Outreach Projects

``We plan to take our program as far as our dancers can dream. We will strive for excellence and accept only positive thinking.``

Buoyant Performing Arts is a non-profit organization. All the funds that we receive, including class fees from students of the school, go foremost to funding our outreach programme and towards running the organization and furthering our mission.

Buoyant Performing Arts is committed to taking dance beyond the traditional studio environments and create new dance works and inspiring the next generation of dance artists. The company engages in innovative community outreach initiatives, and offers a variety of workshops, opportunities, social programs and intimate performance experiences and connections.

Community involvement and outreach programs are at the heart of the organisation.


A project bringing together artists from all backgrounds : both amateur and professionals to find themselves in relation to performing arts. We find relations between visual art, fine art and performing arts. We indulge in making short dance videos, documentaries/films, dance photography seminars. Collaborations with movement analysts, graphic artists, photographers, composers, musicians, visual artists, film directors and lighting, set and costume designers and others to establish a good fuse and understanding the relationship and inter-dependence between them. Experimenting with various categories of arts to create and produce out of the box work.

  • CONNECTING ARTS PROJECT is one of our successful project which comes under this.
  • Dance Photography shoots and music videos.
  • Short Dance Films
  • Collaboration with theatre companies like Mad About Drama, Whole 9 Yards..

Dance In Education (D.I.E.)

An outreach program towards schools and colleges for dance & drama as a part of curriculum as extra activities. Organized classes for both and increasing the standard of performing arts with proper structured knowledge is what we aim for this. Through master classes, educational workshops, lecture demonstrations and series, the company offers the community a tangible and a different perspective of dance to the dancers as a whole.

  • Workshops tour in schools and colleges 2014.
  • Research works that contributes to dance education and invitation to make thesis and research scripts through deep understanding of dance subject. We have helped Deboshruti Saha, Kajol Poddar, Rajdeep Nath, Josh and Subhomita prepare their research work and college thesis on performing arts topics.


A project associated with under-privileged, poor, physically challenged children and adults. The objective is to offer employment to economically underprivileged backgrounds, include the challenged into the community. Elements of dance therapy, situational movements, etc are applied to allow children to freely express through simple. We also support local charities, fund raising events for NGO’s through performances or workshops.

  • We have worked with CRY, Rotary Cub, Rotract Club of Uttarpara, Project Sunshine in raising funds for their social projects.
  • We have worked with Calcutta School of Deaf and Dumb towards choreographing on their annual show in the occasion of 50th anniversary of Helen Keller.
  • Supported the event “Pehchaan”, organised by National Academy of Media and Events for training of under-preveledged children and teenagers in dance in the year 2018 and 2019.
dance for under preveledged

Dancers Exchange For Learning (D.E.L.)

We collaborate with national and international dance companies to exchange teachings and ones education in relation to performing arts. The company members travel in different cities and abroad sponsored partly by themselves and partly by company/institutions with which we are collaborated to learn and exchange views and ideas of their local community. Celebrating the Connections in January 2016 where 6 artists as a part of an exchange program had visited Kolkata with an aim to explore the cultural dimensions and find collaborators and inspiration for new works in art. The artists includes dancers, percussionist, Art Director, Poets, etc.. Exchange of Instructors with dance companies in Guwahati, Jharsuguda.

  • A forum providing exchange of ideas, skills and knowledge, teacher/ artist exchanges with different dance companies, internships towards learning.
  • Celebrating the Connections in January 2016 where 6 artists as a part of an exchange program had visited Kolkata with an aim to explore the cultural dimensions and find collaborators and inspiration for new works in art. The artists includes dancers, percussionist, Art Director, Poets, etc..
  • Exchange of Instructors with dance companies in Guwahati, Jharsuguda.
  • Permanent Job Placements to dancers at Mauritius, Singapore.
dance for deaf and dumb students